WTB MAX 15^50 Bramble Longbow Or Prefect
I know I have posted simliar threads but they have seem to been lost in the ocean of dead threads. As one can tell from the title I would like to buy a Bramble Longbow with the fallowing stats. The requirment can be 8-12. If you have a Prefect one at a pretty reasonable price I would prefer to buy it. The prefect should have -10(while attack) not -5energy considering my main proffesion is Ranger. I prefer unmodded or 20/20 Sundering. Post your price and bow pic or stats here first please. Thanks in advance.
15-28 (req.8 Marksmenship)
+15 Damage (while Health above 50%)
15-28 (req.8 Marksmenship)
+15% damage
-10 Armor(while attacking)